Saturday, March 15, 2008

Britney Spears to earn $4 million for one song

Britney Spears has been hired to perform an erotic dance for a group of Arab sheiks in Dubai later this month.

Spears will sing (or lip synch) one song and will earn $4 million.

What a joke! What the sheiks didn’t know is she would have done it for a few bags of cheetohs and a carton of ciggies. Since she’s on a tight allowance, I’m sure she was getting desperate.

The trip is being set up by Sheeraz Hasan, founder of paparazzi agency

Sheeraz said: “…. I’m going to take Britney. She can have her own island…Everything Britney does is news – Britney pumps gas, Britney forgets to put milk in her coffee.”

“Money is no object when it comes to Britney. They [the sheiks] will look after her and make sure she returns to her father and LA home safely.”

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