Monday, August 25, 2008

Dolly Parton Dead: True or Rumor? (Photos)

Recently Fox News reported that Dolly Parton had died from congestive heart failure at the age of 60. But did Dolly Parton die? Thank goodness, we are hearing the rumor is false. Dolly is said to be alive and well!

Pete Owens, Dolly Parton’s public relations agent, said that the Dolly Parton death rumor started Friday night at a Nashville area high school that announced the news during a football game. The PR agent, Owens spoke with Dolly Saturday, but she decided not to release a statement.

This isn’t the first time rumors have swirled about Dolly Parton’s death. Do people think those huge fake boobs have pressed against her heart and caused damage? Actually we are just happy to hear the death rumor is false and that Dolly Parton is not dead.

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