Thursday, August 21, 2008

Keith Urban gets a new tattoo with Nicole’s name on it.

Keith Urban had a new tattoo inked on his right arm to show his love for his wife, Nicole Kidman. It was revealed that Keith had his tattoo etched just before his wife gave birth to their firstborn, Sunday Rose. This new tattoo showed Nicole’s name.

Previously, when Keith Urban was dating Niki Taylor, he had a tattoo which read “Amor Vincit Omnia”, which was Latin for the meaning, “Love Conquers.” Keith and Niki had these as matching tattoos inked in the 1990s. Keith had his tattoo altered to include NK, his wife’s initials.

Meanwhile, Nicole Kidman held firm to her opinion that she would not sell her baby pictures. She has been more adoring towards her husband as she was perceived to be overjoyed with her family.

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